(dua tangan yg bekerja bs mlakukan lbh bnyk dr pada seribu tangan berdoa)
# You’re basically killing each other to see who’s got the better imaginary friend.-Richard Jeni
(km pada dasarnya saling membunuh satu sama lain untuk mnunjukan siapa diantara kalian yg memiliki teman imajinatif yg lbh baik.)
# The fact that a believer is happier than a skeptic is no more to the point than the fact that a drunken man is happier than a sober one. The happiness of credulity is a cheap and dangerous quality. – George Bernard Shaw
(fakta bahwa org yg beriman lbh bahagia dbanding org yg tidak, tdk lebih dr pada fakta org mabuk lbh bahagia dr pada org yg sadar. kbahagiaannya berkualitas murahan dan berbahaya.)
# Faith means not wanting to know what is true. – Friedrich Nietzsche
( kepercayaan berarti tidak berkeinginan untuk mngetahui KEBENARAN)
# I believe in God, only I spell it Nature. – Frank Lloyd Wright
(aku percaya tuhan, hanya saja aku mengejanya alam)
# We must question the story logic of having an all-knowing all-powerful God, who creates faulty Humans, and then blames them for his own mistakes. – Gene Roddenberry
(kt hrs mempertanyakan logika dr kisah seorang tuhan maha tau dan maha kuasa, yg mnciptakan manusa yg penuh kesalahan, dan mnyalahkan mrk untuk ksalahan dirinya sndiri)
# To surrender to ignorance and call it God has always been premature, and it remains premature today. - Isaac Asimov
(mnyerah kepada ktidak pedulian dan menyebutnya tuhan adalah terlalu cepat mngambl ksimpulan dan belum waktunya, dan smpe skrg pun ttp begitu)
# A man is accepted into a church for what he believes and he is turned out for what he knows. – Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain)
(seorang manusia diterima dalam gereja atas apa yg dia percaya, dan dia di tolak atas apa yg dia ketahui)
# Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful. – Seneca the Younger(indonesia bgt!!)
(agama dianggap oleh awam sbagai kebenaran, oleh org bijak sbagai kesalahan, dan oleh pnguasa sbagai sesuatu yg bs dimanfaatkan untuk kpentingannya)
# Philosophy is questions that may never be answered. Religion is answers that may never be questioned. – Anonymous
(filosofi adalah pertanyaan yg mungkin takan pernah terjawab. agama adalah jawaban yg mungkin takan pernah dipertanyakan)
# Not only is there no god, but try getting a plumber on weekends. – Woody Allen
(bukan hanya skedar tuhan itu tidak ada, tp cb saja mncari seorang tukang pipa pada hari libur)
# If I were not an atheist, I would believe in a God who would choose to save people on the basis of the totality of their lives and not the pattern of their words. I think he would prefer an honest and righteous atheist to a TV preacher whose every word is God, God, God, and whose every deed is foul, foul, foul. – Isaac Asimov
(jika aku bukan seorang atheis, aku akan percaya pada tuhan yg akan memilih untuk mnyelamatkan org berdasarkan totalitas dr hidupnya dan bukan berdasarkan pola dr kata2nya. kupikir tuhan lbh memilih seorang atheis yg jujur n berbudi, di banding seorang pengkotbah di TV yg stiap kata2nya slalu TUHAN, TUHAN, TUHAN, tp perbuatanya KOTOR, KOTOR, KOTOR!)
# Belief in the supernatural reflects a failure of the imagination. – Edward Abbey
(percaya pada supranatural mencerminkan kegagalan dalam berimajinasi)
# With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion. – Steven Weinberg
(dengan ato tanpa agama, tetap akan ada org baik yg berbuat baik, dan org jahat yg berbuat jahat. tapi untuk membuat org baik melakukan hal jahat dibutuhkan agama)
# I still say a church steeple with a lightning rod on top shows a lack of confidence. – Doug McLeod
(saya tetap berpendapat, sbuah menara gereja dgn sbuah tiang pnghantar petir di atasnya mnunjukan kurangnya percaya diri)
# The world holds two classes of men – intelligent men without religion, and religious men without intelligence. – Abu’l‐Ala al Ma’arri
(dunia ini mngandung 2 kelas manusia - org pintar yg tak beragama, dan org beragama yg tak pintar)
# Since the Bible and the church are obviously mistaken in telling us where we came from, how can we trust them to tell us where we are going? – Anonymous
(sejak kitab suci dan alkitab sudah jelas keliru dalam memberitahu kita tentang dr mana asal muasal kita, bgaimana kt bs percaya agama untuk memberitahu kt kmana kt akan pergi)
# I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do because I notice it always coincides with their own desires. – Susan B. Anthony
(aku tidak percaya org2 yg tau apa yg tuhan ingin mereka lakukan, krn aku mnyadari bahwa itu slalu kbtulan jika keinginan mereka dan tuhan sama)
# The invisible and the non-existent look very much alike. – Delos B. McKown
(yg tidak terlihat dan yg tidak ada trlihat sangat mirip)
# Atheism leaves a man to sense, to philosophy, to natural piety, to laws, to reputation; all of which may be guides to an outward moral virtue, even if religion vanished; but religious superstition dismounts all these and erects an absolute monarchy in the minds of men. – Francis Bacon
(Ateisme menuntun manusia kepada akal sehat, filosofi, kearifan alam, hukum, dan reputasi; yang salah satu atau semuanya menuntun pada kebajikan moral di luar kebiasaan, meskipun agama telah musnah; tetapi takhayul agama menurunkan semua ini dan mendirikan monarki absolut dalam pikiran manusia) thx to bro m4rdy
# The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully. – Richard Dawkins
(tuhan dalam kitab perjanjian lama adalaha karakter yg paling tidak mnyenangkan dlm smua karya fiksi: iri dan bangga akan itu, picik, tidak adil, tidak pemaaf, gila control, pndendam, haus darah, penghapus etnis, pmbenci wanita, mrasa puas kl mnyakiti, rasis, perusak,gila kmuliaan, bnyk tingkah, pnindas yg lemah)
# It is not as in the Bible, that God created man in his own image. But, on the contrary, man created God in his own image. – Ludwig Feuerbach
(bukan sperti dlm alkitab, bawha tuhan mnciptakan manusia bercerminkan dirinya sndiri, tp kbalikannya, manusialah yg mnciptakan tuhan dr cermin atas diri manusia sndiri)
# All the biblical miracles will at last disappear with the progress of science. – Matthew Arnold
(smua keajaiban dalam alkitab pada akhirnya akan hilang dgn kmajuan teknologi dan ilmu pngtahuan)
# Blind faith is an ironic gift to return to the Creator of human intelligence. – Anonymous
(kpercayaan yg buta adalah sbuah hadiah yg ironis untuk dberikan kpada pncipta kpintaran manusia)
# Be thankful that you have a life, and forsake your vain and presumptuous desire for a second one. – Richard Dawkins
(bersukurlah sudah bs mndapatkan khidupan. tinggalkanlah pmikiran angkuh dan sia2 akan keinginan punya khidupan kdua )
# What can be asserted without proof can be dismissed without proof. – Christopher Hitchens
(apa yg di nyatakan tp tanpa bukti, bs di bubarkan tanpa bukti jg)
# On the first day, man created God. – Anonymous
(pada hari pertama, manusia menciptakan tuhan)
# I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours. – Stephen Roberts
(aku branggapan kt berdua adalah atheis. tuhan yg aku prcaya jumlahnya selisih 1 tuhan lbh sdikit dr yg kamu percaya. saat km mngerti mngapa km menghilangkan smua kemungkinan akan tuhan yg lain, km akan mngerti knapa aku menghilangkan tuhan mu)
# You do not need the Bible to justify love, but no better tool has been invented to justify hate. – Richard A. Weatherwax
(km tak perluh kitab suci untuk mngartikan cinta, tp gk ada alat yg lbh baik yg prnah dciptakan untuk mngartikan kbencian dr pada itu)
# What’s “God”? Well, you know, when you want something really bad and you close your eyes and you wish for it? God’s the guy that ignores you. – Steve Buscemi (From the movie “The Island”)
(apa? "tuhan?" tau kah kau, saat dmana km mnginginkan sesuatu yg sangat2 km inginkan, dan km mnutup mata lalu berdoa? tuhan lah yg akan mngiraukanmu)
# As far as I can tell from studying the scriptures, all you do in heaven is pretty much just sit around all day and praise the Lord. I don’t know about you, but I think that after the first, oh, I don’t know, 50,000,000 years of that I’d start to get a little bored. – Rick Reynolds
(sjauh yg bs aku ingat dr mempelajari agama, smua yg km lakukan di surga kurang lebih hanya duduk sharian dan memuji tuhan. aku tak tau bgaimana pndapat km, tp ak pikir stelah, om, gk tau deh mungkin 50.000.000 tahun gt, ak akan mulai agak bosan)
# Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish. – Anonymous
(beri seseorang seekor ikan dan dia akan makan untuk shari; ajari seseorang untuk memancing ikan maka dia akan bs makan untuk seumur hidupnya; beri seseorang sebuah agama dan dia akan berdoa untuk mndapatkan sekor ikan)
# Calling Atheism a religion is like calling bald a hair color. – Don Hirschberg
(mnyebut atheisme itu sbuah agama, adalah sperti mnyebut kebotakan sbuah warna rambut) hahaha rmbutnya aja gk ada, sm ky inti agama yaitu tuhan, gk ada dlm atheisme
# God should be executed for crimes against humanity. – Bryan Emmanuel Gutierrez
(tuhan seharusnya di vonis mati untuk kjahatan yg dia lakukan atas kemanusiaan)
# I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it. – Mark Twain
(aku gk takut mati. aku sudah pernah mati dulu milyaran tahun lalu, sbelum ak dilahirkan, dan aku gk ngrasa tidak nyaman ato terganggu sm skali) - mksdnya dl sblm lahir n ada di dunia, kt ini dimana?
# And if there were a God, I think it very unlikely that He would have such an uneasy vanity as to be offended by those who doubt His existence. – Bertrand Russell
(kl tuhan benar2 ada, aku pkir dia kynya org yg sombong n angkuh yg mudah trsinggung oleh org yg ragu akan keberadaanya)
# Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God? – Epicurus
(apakah tuhan bersedia mencegah kjahatan, tp tidak mampu? brarti dia tidak maha kuasa. apakah dia mampu tp tidak bersedia? berarti dia dengki. apakah dia kduanya mampu dan bersedia? lalu dr mana datangnya kjahatan? apakah dia tidak mampu dan jg tidak bersedia? lalu knapa kt menyebut dia tuhan?) haha tanya knapa?
# I’m a polyatheist – there are many gods I don’t believe in. – Dan Fouts
(aku ini polyatheis- ada bnyk tuhan yg aku gk percaya) berarti smua tuhan dr smua agama gk dipercaya
# A lie is a lie even if everyone believes it. The truth is the truth even if nobody believes it. – David Stevens
(sbuah kebohongan adalah tetap sebuah kebohongan, wlopun smua org mempercayainya. sbuah kebenaran adalah tetap sbuah kebenaran walaupun gk ada satu org pun mempercayainya)
# Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream up a God superior to themselves. Most Gods have the manners and morals of a spoiled child. – Robert A Heinlein
(manusia tidak berhasil menciptakan/ mngimpikan sbuah tuhan yg lbh hebat dr dirinya sndiri. rata2 smua tuhan punya sifat dan moral sperti seoang anak manja)
# I refuse to prove that I exist,” says God, “for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing. – Douglas Adams
("aku menolak untuk membuktikan aku ini ada" kata tuhan, "karena sbuah bukti itu brarti mnyangkal sbuah kepercayaan, dan tanpa kepercayaan itu aku bukan apa/ tidak ada)
# He that will not reason is a bigot; he that cannot reason is a fool; he that dares not reason is a slave. – William Drummond
(dia yg tidak ingin berpikir nalar adalah seorang fanatik; dia yg tak bs berpikir nalar adalah seorang bodoh; dia yg tidak berani untuk berpikir nalar adalah seorang BUDAK!)
# Remember, god would rather constantly shame gays than let orphans have a family. – Steven Colbert
(ingat, tuhan lebih memilih mempermalukan dan mnyalahkan para homo terus menerus, dr pada membiarkan anak yatim memiliki keluarga) pdhal jika tuhan memang ada, dia mampu mnciptakan org normal dan sbuah keluarga
# Which is it, is man one of God’s blunders or is God one of man’s? – Friedrich Nietzsche
(yg manakah jawabannya, apakah manusia adalah salah satu kgagalan terbesar tuhan ato tuhan lah kegagal terbesar manusia?)
# Religion does three things quite effectively: Divides people, Controls people, Deludes people. – Carlespie Mary Alice McKinney
( 3 hal yg bs dilakukan agama dgn sangat efektif: memecah belah masyarakat, mongontrol manusia, menipu manusia)
# Religion has caused more misery to all of mankind in every stage of human history than any other single idea. – Anonymous
(agama telah mnyebabkan paling banyak kesengsaraan kpada umat manusia pada smua tingkatan pada sejarah manusia dbandingkan ide2 individual lainnya)
# When a man is freed of religion, he has a better chance to live a normal and wholesome life. – Sigmund Freud
(saat seseorang terbebas dr agamanya, dia mempunyai kmungkinan yg lbh besar dlm kehidup normal dan utuh)
# They felt that science would be corrosive to religious belief and they were worried about it. Damn it, I think they were right. It is corrosive to religious belief and it’s a good thing. – Steven Weinberg
(mrk merasa ilmu pngetahuan akan menggerogoti kpercayaan beragama dan mrk khawatir akan itu, aku pikir mereka benar. emang ilmu pngetahuan menggerogotin kpercayaan beragama, dan itu adalah hal yg bgs) lama2 ilmu pngetahuan akan mnghabisi agama dgn kbenaran ilmu yg pasti
# History teaches us that no other cause has brought more death than the word of god. – Giulian Buzila
(sejarah di mngajarkan kt bawha tidak ada pnyebab lain yg bs mnyebabkan lbh bnyk kmatian dr pada kata2 dr tuhan)
# A believer states everything must have a creator but fail to say how he was created. – Anonymous
(seorang beragama mnnyatakan smua hal hrs ada pnciptanya, tp gagal mnyatakan bgaimana sang pncipta itu dciptakan)
# God made me an atheist, then who are you to question His wisdom?
# Do not hate me because I am an atheist. If your religion teaches you hate, then how will that help you when you are looking for peace?
Ini saya kutip dari beberapa situs penganut Atheis:
# You're vigorously deny the existence of thousand God claimed by other religion but feel outraged when someone denied the existence of your God
# You feel insulted and 'dehumanized' when scientist said that people evolved from a lesser life forms, but you have no problem with biblical claim that we're created from dirt
(khusus ini, ane mau nambahin juga soal "segumpal darah"

# You belief that the entire population in this planet with the exeption of those you share your beliefs -- though excluding those in all rival sects -- will spent eternity in an infinite hell of suffering. Yet, you consider your religion the most 'tolerate' and 'loving'.
# you define a 0.01% as a 'high success rate' when it comes to an answered prayers. you consider that to be evidence that prayer works. and you think that remaining 99.99% failure was simply the will of God
# I don't want to believe, I want to know!
# You can't spell beLIEve without LIE..
"Isn't killing people in the name of God a pretty good definition of insanity?" - Arthur C. Clarke
(bukan kah membunuh seseorag dalam nama tuhan menunjukkan tanda ketidakwarasan?)
# Properly read, the bible is the most potent force for Atheism ever conceived. – Isaac Asimov
( dibaca dgn baik, maka kitab suci adalah dorongan untuk mnjadi atheisme)
# If all the beliver who have called other beliver “not really a religion” were to vanish, there’d be no beliver left. – Anonymous
(jika seorang beragama, mnyebut org bragama lain "yg bukan agama sebenarnya" untuk mnghilang, tidak akan ada org beragama yg tersisa) smua saling mnuduh dan mngir diinya paling beragama n lbh baik dr yg lain
# An atheist is a man who has no invisible means of support. – John Buchan
(seorang atheis adalah org yg tidak memiliki sumber bantuan yg tak terlihat)
# Gods dont kill people. People with Gods kill people. – David Viaene
(tuhan tidak membunuh manusia. org2 dengan tuhan membunuh manusia)
# Atheism is nothing more than the noises reasonable people make when in the presence of religious dogma. – Sam Harris
(theisme tidak lebih dr skedar bunyi2 ato suara yg diti,bulkan oleh org yg bepikiran nalar saat mereka berhadapan dgn org2 yg kpercayaann brlebih)
# I don’t believe in God because I don’t believe in donald duck, n mickey mouse – Clarence Darrow
(aku tak pecaya tuhan, krn aku tidak percaya pada donal bebek n miki tikus)
# I refuse to believe in a god who is the primary cause of conflict in the world, preaches racism, sexism, homophobia, and ignorance, and then sends me to hell if I’m ‘bad’. – Mike Fuhrman
(aku menolak untuk prcaya pada tuhan yg mnjadi sumber utama dr perpecahan dunia, rasisme, sexisme, homophobia, dan ktidak perdulian, dan mngirimm ku ke neraka jika "aku tdk baik")
# Faith does not give you the answers, it just stops you asking the questions. – Frater Ravus
(iman kepercayaan tidak akan memberimu jawaban, itu hanya membuat kau berhenti mbertanya)
# Gods are fragile things; they may be killed by a whiff of science or a dose of common sense. – Chapman Cohen
(tuhan adalah sesuatu yg rapuh; dia dgn mudah dbunuh dgn ilmu pngetahuan ato bbrp dosis dr akal sehat)
# The inspiration of the bible depends on the ignorance of the person who reads it. – Robert G. Ingersoll
(inspirasi dr kitab suci, trgantung pada ktidk perdulian seseorang yg membacanya)
# When one person suffers from a delusion, it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion. – Robert Pirsig
(saat seseorang menderita pnyakit ilusi khayalan, itu dsebut kgilaan. saat banyak org mnderita pnyakit khayalan itu dsebut agama)
# I have no need for religion, I have a conscience. – Anonymous
(aku tidak perlu agama, aku memiliki kesadaran hati nurani)
# Man has always required an explanation for all of those things in the world he did not understand. If an explanation was not available, he created one. – Jim Crawford
(manusia selalu memerlukan pnjelasan akan smua hal didunia yg dia tidak mngerti. dan jika pnjelasan itu tidak trsedia, maka dia mnciptakan satu)
# I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world. – Richard Dawkins
(aku melawan agama krn itu mngajarkan kt untuk puas dgn tidak mngerti akan dunia)
# If god is the alpha and the omega. The begining and the end, knows what has passed and what is to come, like it states in the bible, why do people pray and think it will make any difference. – Mark Fairclough
(jika tuhan dalah alpha dan omega. awal mula dan akhir, tau apa yg dia berikan dan apa yg akan terjadi pada akhirnya, sperti dkatakan dalam kitab suci, knapa manusia msh berdoa dan mngira doa nya akan merubah smua itu)
# The finality of death is the coldest truth one must face. Religion makes the perfect distraction. – Anonymous
(adanya akhir yaitu sebuah kematian adalah kbenaran paling dingin yg manusia hrs hadapi. agama membuat pngganti kekacauan yg sempurna)
# Religion is the opiate of the masses. – Karl Marx
(agama adalah candu masyarakat)
# Atheists will celebrate life, while you’re in religion celebrating death. – Anonymous
(atheis akan mrayakan kehidupan, saat km dlam agama merayakan kematian/ khidupan stelah kmatian)
# Animals do not have gods, they are smarter than that. – Ronnie Snow
(hewan tidak punya tuhan, mrk lbh pintar dr itu)
# I have never seen the slightest scientific proof of the religious ideas of heaven and hell, of future life for individuals, or of a personal God. So far as religion of the day is concerned, it is a damned fake… Religion is all bunk. – Thomas Edison
(aku gk pernah dengar walau sdikit bukti ilmiah dr ide agama tentang neraka n surga, tentang khidupan stelah mati, ato ketuhanan seseorang. sjauh yg yg agama pkirkan hr ini, smua itu palsu...smua agama itu hanya tempat tidur)
# religion, of any type, due to its prerequisite lack of intelligent thought, could prove to be the worst weapon of mass destruction, of all. – David J. Constable
(keagamaan, tipe apapun jg, dkarenakan krn kurangnya kpintaran akan ilmu pngtahuan, bs dbuktikan telah mnjadi snjata pemusnah massal paling besar)
# To really be free, You need to be free in the mind. – Alexander Loutsis
(untukj benar2 mnjadi bebas, km perlu membebaskan pikiran anda)
# Most religions prophecy the end of the world and then consistently work together to ensure that these prophecies come true. – Anonymous
(rata2 agama mramalkan adanya kiamat, dan merka scara terus menerus bkerja sama untuk memastikan ramalan itu jd nyata)

# Jesus hardly made the greatest sacrifice. He knew he would be resurrected anyway. – Anonymous
(yesus susah payah melakukan pngorbanan diri. dia tau dia akan dibangkitkan lg kok) apanya yg susah payah?
# Religion is like a virus that affects the behaviour of its host in such a way as to propagate itself further. – Jack Pritchard
(agama itu bagaikan virus yg mngeinfeksi sikap n sifat inang nya ( tuan rumahnya) untuk mnyebar luaskan virus itu ksmua org lbh luas lg)
# Religions are like pills, which must be swallowed
whole without chewing. – Anonymous
(agama itu bagaikan pill, yg hrs ditelan aja bulet2, tanpa hrs di kunyah dl)
# Today’s religion will be the future’s mythology. Both believed at one time by many; but proved wrong by the clever. – Steven Crocke
(agama pada saat ini akan mnjadi mitos di masa depan. kdua2nya dpercaya oleh bnyk org pada masa nya saja; lalu dbuktikan salah oleh org pintar)
# The Bible – A Fairytale book of rules brainwashing millions. Obliviously used to help create war, kill, hate, judge and discriminate. – Anonymous
(kitab suci- sbuah buku dongeng tentang cara2 mencuci otak jutaan org. yg dengan jelas membantu mnciptakan peperangan, pmbunuhan, kbencian, mngadili sesama dan diskriminasi)
# Isn’t it enough to see that a garden is beautiful without having to believe that there are fairies at the bottom of it too? – Douglas Adams
(tidak kah cukup hanya melihat sbuah taman itu udah indah tanpa hrs percaya kl ada peri di bawahnya jg?)
#There are none more ignorant and useless, than they that seek answers on their knees, with their eyes closed. - anonymous
(tidak ada yg lbh tidak perduli dan tak berguna, dbanding org2 yg mncari jawaban dgn cara berlutut dan memejamkan mata lalu berdoa)
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