Radio Shack Pocket Computer
Model: PC-1
Introduced: July 1980
Weight: 170g / 6.0 oz.
Price: US $230
CPU: SC43177, SC43178
RAM: 1.5K
Ports: Expansion connector
Display: 24 X 1 text LCD
Storage: * Cassette storage
Options: * Printer, Tape I/O
* Requires Expansion Interface

Epson HX-20
Introduced: November 1981
Released 1982
Price: US$795
Weight: 3.5 lb / 1.6kg
CPU: Two Hitachi 6301 @ 0.614MHz
RAM: 16K, 32K max
Display: 20 X 4 text LCD
Storage optional built-in tape drive
external cassette tape drive
Ports: RS-232, serial

GRiD Compass 1101
Released: 1982
Price: US$8150
Weight: 10 lbs, 12 oz
CPU: Intel 8086 @ 8MHz (?)
Display: 6-inch electroluminescent
80 x 24 text
320 x 240 graphics
Ports: RS-232/422 serial
GPIB parallel port
Storage: internal 384K bubble RAM
external floppy drive(s)

Panasonic / Quasar HHC
Model: Panasonic - RL-H1400
Quasar - HK 2600TE
Introduced: 1982
Price: $400 ??
Weight: 1.4 lbs. (620 grams)
CPU: 6502, 1MHz
Expansion: 44-pin expansion port
3 sockets for user-added ROM
Display: 26 X 1 character LCD display
optional thermal printer
Power source: Built-in nicad batteries
External 9vdc power supply
Storage: Audio cassette in/out (in printer)
OS: SNAP built-in
optional Microsoft BASIC in ROM

Hewlett Packard HP-75C
Released: September 1982
Price: $995
Weight: 1.5 lb / 737 g
Size: 10" X 5" ( 25 X 12.5 cm)
CPU: HP 8-bit (Capricorn)
RAM: 24K, 16K user
Display: 32 character LCD
Storage: 1.4K magnetic cards
Ports: HP-IL
3 ROM/RAM ports
Power: 3 nicad AA cells

Texas Instruments CC-40
Released: March 1983
Price: US$249.95
Weight: 22 oz. / 600 grams
CPU: TI TMS 70C20, 2.5MHz
Power Source: 4 "AA" batteries
Memory: 6K-18K RAM, 34K ROM
Display: 31 character LCD display
Peripherals: HX1000 printer/plotter
HX1010 Printer 80
RS232/PIO interface
300 baud modem
Ports: Cartridge port
Proprietary "Hex-Bus" interface

Kyotronic clones
Released: 1983
Price: US $799
Weight: 1.7 kg, 3.8 pounds
CPU: 80C85, 2.4MHz
RAM: 16K, 32K maximum
Ports: RS-232, printer port
Display: 40 X 8 character LCD display
Power: 4 'AA' batteries
External 6vdc power supply
Storage: Audio cassette in/out
optional external floppy drive
OS: Menu operation to select apps.
Microsoft BASIC built in

Epson PX-8
Released 1984
Price: US $995
Weight: 5 lbs, 2.3kg
CPU: Z-80 @ 2.45MHz
RAM: 64K, 128K max
Display: 80 X 8 text LCD
480 X 64 graphics
Storage micro tape-drive
Ports: RS-232, serial
audio in/out, bar code
OS: CP/M 2.2 in ROM

Hewlett-Packard HP 110
Model 45710A
Introduced: May 1984
Price: $2995
Weight: 9 pounds
CPU: Harris 80C86 @ 5.33MHz
RAM: 272K
ROM: MemoMaker
Terminal emulator
Lotus 123 version 1A
Display: 80 x 16 text LCD
480 x 128 pixels
Batteries: rechargeable lead-acid
Ports: HP-IL, RS-232
Built in 300 baud modem
OS: MS-DOS 2.11 in ROM

Kaypro 2000 laptop
Released: 1985
Price: US $1,995
Weight: 12 lbs
CPU: Intel/NEC 8088/V20 @ 4.77MHz
RAM: 256K, 768K max
Display: monochrome LCD
80 X 25 text
640 X 200 graphics
Ports: Serial port
modem connections
expansion bus
Storage: one 3.5-inch 720K floppy
Power: 7vdc, pin (-)
OS: MS-DOS 2.11

IBM Convertible PC
Model: 5140 "Convertible"
Released: April 1986
Price: US $1,995
Weight: 12 pounds / 5.5 kg
CPU: Intel 80C88 @ 4.77 MHz
RAM: 256K, 512K max
Display: LCD - 80 X 25 text
640 X 200 graphics
Storage: two internal floppies
3-1/2 inch, 720K each
Ports: expansion bus
Peripherals: thermal printer
serial, parallel ports
CRT display adapter
Power: 12vdc, pin +

Linus Write-Top
TRW Write-Top
Model: Linus 1000
Released: 1987
How many: ~1,500 sold
Price: $2,795+
Weight: 9 lbs / 4 kg
CPU: NEC V20 (8088) @ 7.16MHz
RAM: 640K system memory
Display: LCD: 80 x 25 text
640 x 200 graphics
Ports: serial, printer, keyboard
Options: modem, keyboard, floppy
Storage: internal 720K 3.5-inch floppy
removeable RAM card
OS: MS-DOS 3.30

Atari Portfolio
Released: 1989
Price: US $399.95
Size: 7.5" x 4" x 1.25"
20cm x 10.5cm x 2.5cm
Weight: 17.5 oz / 505g
CPU: Intel 80C88 @ 4.92MHz
RAM: 128K, 128K+640K max
Display: 40 X 8 text
260 X 64 pixels
Sound: Tiny speaker
Expansion: Memory card slot
60-pin expansion bus
Storage: Internal RAM disk
RAM cards, 640K max
Power: Three "AA" batteries
OS: Built-in DIP DOS

Apple Macintosh Portable
Model: M5120
Announced: September 1989
Price: US$7300 w/ hard drive
Weight: 16 lbs
CPU: Motorola 68HC000, 16Mhz
RAM: 1 Meg, 9 Meg maximum
Battery: 6.5-Volt, 5 amp lead acid (gel type)
Display: 10-inch b&w active matrix LCD
640 X 400 pixels
I/O: Built-in trackball.
Ports: Apple Desktop Bus (ADB)
Two serial ports
External SCSI port
External floppy port
Video port
Storage: Internal 1.4Meg 3.5-inch floppy drive
Internal 40 MB SCSI hard drive
OS: Mac OS 6.04

Atari Stacy
Announced: 1987
Released: 1989
Price: US $1995 w/ 20Meg HD
Weight: 15 lbs / 7 kg
CPU: Motorola 68000 @ 8MHz
RAM: 1Meg; 4Meg max
Display: 640 X 400 monochrome 9-inch LCD
Ports: Cartridge, joysticks/mouse
MIDI, RS232, parallel, color monitor
Storage: internal 720K 3.5-inch floppy drive
optional internal hard drive
OS: Atari TOS 1.4 in ROM
Digital Research GEM OS

Zenith MiniSport
Model: MinisPort ZL-1
Weight: 5.9 lbs / 2.7kg
Introduced: July 1989
Price: US $1,995 ($2,799 w/ 2MB)
CPU: Intel 80C88 @ 4.77 / 8MHz
RAM: 1MB (2MB in model ZL-2)
Ports: serial, parallel, CGA, floppy
Display: 80 x 25 text, backlit LCD
640 x 200 graphics
Storage: 2-inch floppy drive
OS: MS-DOS 3.3 Plus in ROM

Macintosh PowerBook
Models: PowerBook 100, 140, and 170
Introduced: October 1991
Discontinued: October 1992
Price: US$2,299 - $4,599
CPU: Motorola 68030 @ 25MHz (170)
RAM: 2MB minimum, 8MB maximum
Battery: 2.5Ah NiCad
Display: 640 X 400 monochrome LCD
Ports: ADB, 1 or 2 serial, floppy, HD
Storage: 1.4MB 3.5-inch floppy drive
20MB, 40MB, or 80MB SCSI HD
Comms: optional modem
OS: Mac OS 7.01 - 7.6.1

1992 - sekarang

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