Dizon lahir di Las Vegas, Nevada. Her mother is French-American , and her father is Chinese-Filipino . Ibunya adalah Perancis-Amerika, dan ayahnya adalah Cina-Filipina. She is the fourth of six children: she has two older brothers, an older sister, and two younger brothers. Dia adalah anak keempat dari enam: dia memiliki dua kakak laki-laki, seorang kakak perempuan, dan dua adik laki-lakinya. She says she grew up listening to rock and R&B music. Dia bilang dia tumbuh dengan mendengarkan musik rock dan R & B music. She took dance lessons and was in her high school theater. [ 2 ] After graduating from high school, Dizon moved to Los Angeles, California . Dia mengambil pelajaran dan tari di SMA-nya teater. [2] Setelah lulus dari SMA, Dizon pindah ke Los Angeles, California.
Dizon karier dimulai pada usia 19 tahun ketika ia ditawari kontrak oleh sebuah agen bakat Jepang. She landed a phone company advertisement and made appearances at events as a booth babe . Ia mendarat sebuah perusahaan telepon iklan dan membuat penampilan di acara-acara sebagai stan babe. A few pictorials for various magazines followed. Beberapa pictorials untuk berbagai majalah diikuti. Soon thereafter, she moved to Tokyo . Tak lama kemudian, dia pindah ke Tokyo.
In October 2006, she released her first photobook , titled Petite Amie ( Girlfriend in French), which was ranked as the third best-selling photobook of 2006 and 2007. [ 3 ] [ 4 ] Pada Oktober 2006, ia melepaskan pertama photobook, berjudul Petite Amie (Girlfriend dalam bahasa Perancis), yang menempati peringkat ketiga photobook terlaris tahun 2006 dan 2007. [3] [4]
On February 14, 2007, she released her first physical single, " Softly " under the Victor Entertainment label. [ 5 ] It peaked at number #7 in the Oricon Weekly Chart. Pada tanggal 14 Februari 2007, dia merilis single pertamanya fisik, "lembut" di bawah Victor Entertainment label. [5] It memuncak di nomor # 7 di Oricon Weekly Chart. On the same day, she also released her second photobook titled Hello! Pada hari yang sama, ia juga merilis photobook kedua berjudul Hello! Leah , which was ranked as the second best-selling photobook of 2007. [ 6 ] [ 4 ] . Leah, yang menempati peringkat kedua photobook terlaris tahun 2007. [6] [4].
On May 30, 2007, Dizon released her second single " Koi Shiyō " ( 恋しよう♪ ? ) , which also peaked at #7 on the Oricon Weekly Chart. On May 30, 2007, Dizon merilis single kedua "Koi Shiyō" (恋しよう♪?), Yang juga memuncak di # 7 di Oricon Weekly Chart. The title track is described as a 'grooving, up-tempo dance song' and the single features 2 B-sides: "Could you be that one?" Judul lagu digambarkan sebagai 'bersenang-senang, up-tempo dance song' dan fitur tunggal 2 B-sisi: "Bisakah Anda itu?" and "Aishiteru~ Love Story" ( アイシテル~ Love Story ? ) . [ 7 ] Koi Shiyō was used in a Lotte TV ad, while "Could you be that one?" dan "Aishiteru ~ Love Story" (アイシテル~ Love Story?). [7] Koi Shiyō digunakan dalam Lotte iklan TV, sementara "Bisakah Anda itu?" was used in a PlayStation 3 Ninja Gaiden Sigma TV ad, with Dizon starring in both commercials. digunakan dalam PlayStation 3 Ninja Gaiden Sigma iklan TV, dengan dibintangi Dizon di kedua iklan.
Her third single entitled " L・O・V・EU " was released on August 8, 2007. [ 8 ] Singel ketiganya berjudul "L · O · V · Uni Eropa" dirilis pada tanggal 8 Agustus 2007. [8]
On September 12, 2007, Dizon released her debut album, Destiny Line . Pada 12 September 2007, Dizon merilis album debutnya, Destiny Line. The CD+DVD Edition contains 14 tracks, 10 of which were penned by Leah herself the single PVs as well as a special album PV "Again and Again". CD + DVD Edition berisi 14 lagu, 10 di antaranya ditulis oleh Leah dirinya PVs tunggal serta album khusus PV "Lagi dan Lagi". The CD Only Edition contains the digitally-released remix of "Koi Shiyō", called "Koi Shiyō♪ (Yasutaka Nakata-Capsule Mix)". Hanya CD Edisi berisi dirilis secara digital remix dari "Koi Shiyō", yang disebut "Koi Shiyō ♪ (Yasutaka Nakata-Capsule Mix)".
Dizon's third photobook titled Heaven , was released October 5, 2007. Dizon photobook ketiga berjudul Surga, dirilis 5 Oktober 2007. It includes a DVD. Ini termasuk sebuah DVD.
Dizon released her fourth single entitled " Love Paradox " on March 26, 2008. Dizon merilis single keempat yang berjudul "Love Paradox" pada 26 Maret 2008. The title track resembles a Westernized urban song and the B-side, "Under the Same Sky," is a mid-tempo ballad. Judul lagu menyerupai kebarat-baratan perkotaan lagu dan B-side, "Under the Same Sky," adalah balada mid-tempo. The same day, she also released her fourth photobook, "Pure Leah." Pada hari yang sama, ia juga merilis photobook keempat, "Pure Leah."
On April 18 it was announced that Leah's song, "Under the Same Sky", will be used as the theme song for the Japanese drama, Tokyo Prom Queen . Pada 18 April diumumkan bahwa Leah lagu, "Under the Same Sky", akan digunakan sebagai lagu tema untuk drama Jepang, Tokyo Prom Queen. Leah will also make a guest appearance on the show as Naomi, the prom queen from the previous year. [ 9 ] Leah juga akan membuat muncul sebagai bintang tamu di acara sebagai Naomi, prom ratu dari tahun sebelumnya. [9]
Her fifth single, " Vanilla ", was released on June 25, 2008. Kelima tunggal, "Vanili", dirilis pada 25 Juni 2008. Her second album, Communication!!! , was released August 20, 2008. [ 10 ] Album kedua, Komunikasi!!!, Dirilis 20 Agustus 2008. [10]
Dizon's first concert DVD, LIVE Communication!!! was released on December 10, 2008. Dizon DVD konser pertama, LIVE Komunikasi! Dirilis pada 10 Desember 2008. The DVD features live performances of songs from both her albums. Fitur DVD konser lagu dari album kedua-nya.
Pada 10 Oktober 2008, Dizon menikah dengan seorang penata Jepang. She revealed that she was pregnant on her official website. Dia mengungkapkan bahwa ia hamil di website resmi. These initial stages were chronicled and announced during Dizon's Communication!!! Tahap awal ini sudah dicatat dan diumumkan selama Dizon Communication! Album Tour several days after the marriage. [ 11 ] [ 12 ] Tur Album beberapa hari setelah perkawinan. [11] [12]
The couple had their first child, a daughter named Mila ( 美蘭 Mira ? ) , on April 24, 2009. [ 13 ] [ 14 ] Dizon has stated that she hopes to make a return to the entertainment industry. Pasangan itu anak pertama mereka, seorang anak perempuan bernama Mila Mira?), Pada 24 April 2009. [13] [14] Dizon telah menyatakan bahwa ia berharap untuk membuat kembali ke industri hiburan.

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